Taking care of former employees can be very tricky

I just recently had a former employee (who was fired because “she was to real for this place” ) comes in and has drinks at the bar with her girlfriend. Now mind you I’ve never met this former worker until that night but she behaved in a matter as if she knew me. While at the bar she signals over to me, I stop by and say hello. She asks me what my name and title are and then without hesitation asks if I could comp her entire bar tab. I respectfully say no and she asks why and I reply “because I don’t know you” and she replies “fair enough” but to smooth over a very awkward situation I offer to buy her and her friend who’s obviously embarrassed a round of drinks. As I’m about to leave 15 minutes later my bartender drops off the check and she immediately proceeds to argue with her stating that I agreed to comp their entire bar tab which I most certainly did not. My bartender grabs our floor manager and he comps the two additional drinks that she’s complaining about. I then get a text message from our other manager who was working earlier that evening and apparently this girl had been texting her about me and even went as far as to share a photo of me talking to two other guests (creepy I know). In the text she was upset that I was “flirting” with other guests and not her. I’m married btw lol So in short we had to deal with a bitch of a former employee and when we tried to do something nice she ends up burning the same bridge twice ;P So the moral of this story is, don’t do anything nice for former employees who left on bad terms. It will most certainly backfire.

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  • pleyer4 pleyer4 says:

    Wow … It’s hard to navigate waters like that until you see the person’s “true colors “.